The future belongs to all of us.



01 - What is the future?

In school, they taught us about history, but no one told us how to deal with the future. My mission is to introduce the concepts of a Futures Mindset to people and organizations so that they can learn to dance with the uncertainty of the future.

02 - Futures capability

The future is a very uncertain and complex place. So why would we send our team and company on this journey without any training or specific futures skills? Dealing with this uncertainty requires an adapted mindset - a "Futures Mindset".

The Futures Mindset is a thought experiment that trains our brain to deal with multiple futures and thus remain capable of acting in the present.

03 - Futures design

I believe in building competencies and forming solid partnerships. Instead of telling people how the future will unfold, I empower organisations to learn the right tools and skills to explore alternative futures and create a desirable future with forward-looking daily choices.

04 - Futures dance

By imagining multiple futures, we will learn how to dance with joy on the dance floor of life - because life is always chaotic, unpredictable and yet beautiful. In the long run, we will learn to improvise on the futures dance floor as well. So, who wants to dance?


  • Rethinking the future!

    The future is not just a topic for management and strategy; every company employee should understand their influence and role in the future. A new way of thinking about the future (Futures Thinking) motivates everyone to actively shape the future instead of just preparing for it. Rethinking and acting instead of freezing and reacting! In my keynotes and lectures, I ignite your joy for the future!

  • Activate the futures muscle!

    In my talks, you will learn to recognise the challenges and opportunities of the future and to imagine your own path into the future. This way you already know today which decisions will lead to your preferred futures. At the same time, we build resilience to remain able to act at all times, even in the face of unexpected events and risks.

  • Find your own vision of the future!

    A shared mission and vision not only increases employee motivation, but also makes the company relevant for the future. Instead of relying on the core business, it is important to align one's core competencies with the challenges of the future. If one's own capabilities can solve long-term social, technological, economic, ecological or political problems, the company is future-oriented.

"We need to imagine more positive futures so we can start shaping them now!"

Tanja Schindler | Futurist



    Come with me on a fascinating journey into the future! As a futurist, I will help you and your team explore the diversity and alternative futures that lie ahead. My keynote presentations and panels will broaden your perspectives and inspire you. If you're curious to see the world from a new perspective, let's book a keynote or panel for you today!


    Let's actively shape the future together! In my workshops, I will show you how you can develop alternative future scenarios to prepare your organization optimally for what is to come. My creative approach, inspired by my passion for dance and creativity, will spark your curiosity and show you new ways to solve problems. Sign up for a workshop today and bring your visions to reality!


    Do you need orientation in an uncertain future? I'm happy to provide you with my expertise. My unique mix of scientific thinking and creative passion allows me to help you prepare your organization for the unknown. With my help, you can develop clear strategies for the future and take the necessary steps to make your vision a reality.

Ready to start a new positive future? Let's explore the way there together!